VEGA Navigator for foot and ankle surgery
Planning, navigation and patented, navigable, customized cutting guides for foot and ankle surgery.
Our foot and ankle complex surgery system gives surgeons unprecedented tools for treating patients with serious diagnoses including Charcot foot, skewfoot deformities, Akins and so on.
Our planning and surgical simulation platform, in conjunction with customized,anatomical biomodels designed specifically to suit each case, delivers flawless surgery preparation.
Based on extensive experience in surgery of this kind, we guarantee that using our nagivator:
- Decreases surgery preparation time because all the necessary information is available on our system.
- Removes of elements of surprise.
- Generates huge reductions in the time spent in the operating room.
- Provides huge professional satisfaction and improved healthcare quality.
- Makes savings in direct and indirect costs by decreasing the necessary medical instrumentation and delivering precision in implant preparation.
The VEGA Surgical Navigator for feet and ankleswith specific and navigable, customized medical instrumentation provides surgeons with the tools they need to deliver EXCELLENCE IN SURGERY without the need for X-ray machines.
Surgery using the VEGA Navigator for feet and ankles
- PQx VEGA LFPM for infants
- PQx SPINE for degenerative spine conditions
- PQx SPINE MIS for MIS spine surgery
- PQx SPINE for infant spine surgery
- PQx WRIST for forearm and wrist malunion surgery
- PQx ELBOW for cubitas varus surgery
- PQx VarVal for varising or valgus osteotomy surgery
- PQx 360º for derotational osteotomy surgery
- VEGA Navigator for superior capsular reconstruction surgery
- VEGA Navigator for foot and ankle surgery
- VEGA Navigator for infant traumatology
- VEGA Navigator for orthopedic tumor surgery
- ONE STEP craniotomies
- Maxillofacial Surgery
Click on the picture to find out more about PQx Products
1 of 15 2PQx VEGA LFPM
for infants
2 of 15 3PQx SPINE
for degenerative spine conditions
3 of 15 4PQx SPINE MIS
for MIS spine surgery
4 of 15 5PQx SPINE for Infant
spine surgery
5 of 15 6PQx WRIST
for forearm and wrist
malunion surgery
6 of 15 7PQx ELBOW
for cubitas varus surgery
7 of 15 8PQx VarVal for varising or
valgus osteotomy surgery
8 of 15 9PQx 360º
for derotational osteotomy surgery
9 of 15 10VEGA Navigator
for superior capsular reconstruction surgery
10 of 15 11VEGA Navigator
for foot and ankle surgery
11 of 15 12VEGA Navigator for
infant traumatology
12 of 15 13VEGA Navigator
for orthopedic tumor surgery
13 of 15 14ONE STEP craniotomies
14 of 15 15Maxillofacial Surgery
15 of 15We are here to help you
Helping you to turn ‘possible’ into ‘attainable’.
This outlook centres on identifying and implementing the best
possible solution as defined by the surgeon’s highest rated value for excellence
and the best possible result for the patient.
Get in touch
Where to find us
Region of Murcia Murcia, Spain
Telephone number
+34 699 408 884